I’m at home right now, typing this up and sipping a little umbrella drink while a bunch of people are out riding for 100 miles in the Boise foothills.
Here is what happened today.
6:55 AM

Let’s start with the first two people I saw.
I am not 100% sure they were riding the JA100 because when I yelled “JACKASS” to them (at them) they looked perturbed.
I did take the thumbs up to mean we are all good.

No harm, no foul, right?
6:57 AM
On no, they say he has to go …

Markzilla slyly acknowledging my snarky single speed comment.
7:00 AM
A few more come trickling by including TP who looked at me with a WTF who are you look.
I guess he doesn’t recognize me with the new Santa Claus / Covid beard.

7:01 AM
Brought a shit storm of riders.

I don’t know what was in the water, but the hand signal of choice was ‘hang loose’.

Then there was Andy …

7:02 AM
DG in good form.

Tell me this is the son of Dan?
(I remember him from last year).

I think this answers the nature versus nurture question.
This is the type of behavior that is passed down from generation to generation.

7:06 AM
Special mention to this guy.

That’s a lot of energy to be burning at mile 4.

Wooo cowboy!

Get back on that horse!
7:08 AM
… and his friend thought it would be fun to try popping a wheelie too.

Great Job
To everyone that participated.
Enjoy the pics. Do what you want with them.